My Unexpected Leap into Data Science: A Journey of Empowerment and Discovery

Who knew my “allergy” to math would lead me on a data science adventure???

The Spark of Curiosity

My journey into the world of data science began somewhat unexpectedly. While browsing through a Facebook group for women, I stumbled upon a post about a Data Science Scholarship. My curiosity about "Big Data," sparked by Kai-Fu Lee's book "AI Superpowers" and a documentary, "The Great Hack," led me to impulsively click the 'Apply for Scholarship' button, not fully aware of what I was getting myself into.

The Challenging Application Process

The application process was divided into four stages, with the first two stages needing to be completed by July 15. The first stage required a detailed questionnaire, which made me ponder deeply about my motivations. I saw this as an opportunity to step out of my comfort zone as a creative entrepreneur, especially since our business was heavily impacted by the pandemic.

Battling Self-Doubt with Mathematics

Just two days after completing the first stage, I was confronted with the second stage: a technical assessment heavily focused on mathematics. Facing the application's stages, I humorously chided myself, Oh-em-gee Math! What have you gotten into, Airees?

This was a daunting prospect, as I spent intensive days grappling with GRE math problems. It was a battle against self-doubt, but I was determined to give it my all.

The Moment of Truth and Success

On July 12, I took the test, which was a challenging mix of arithmetic, algebra, and statistics problems. I approached it without any expectations, entrusting the outcome to a higher power. To my astonishment, I passed, a testament to overcoming my self-imposed limitations.

Advancing and Tackling New Challenges

As one of the 86 candidates who made it to Stage 3 out of over 1300 applicants, I faced a new challenge: analyzing and presenting business recommendations from Grab's Data Set - it was a game-changer. Terms like 'Tableau' initially seemed like jargon from another planet, but I tackled them with the help of Google and YouTube, discovering the intersection of art and data. The project was as much about strategic thinking and data storytelling as it was about technical skills.

The Final Hurdle and a Revelation

Despite a setback with another scholarship application due to a time zone error, I progressed to the final interview stage. It revealed a newfound love for math and its relevance in data science, transforming my 'allergy' into admiration. This was a stark contrast to my previous aversion to math, which had steered me away from a career in IT.

A Triumph Against Odds

On August 14, I received the incredible news: I was one of the 22 selected Data Science Scholars, a remarkable achievement for someone who once felt allergic to math. This journey was not just about learning data science; it was about challenging perceptions, embracing change, and realizing that it's never too late to pursue new paths.

I was speechless for a good few minutes when I saw this. What are the odds that this 46-year old artist and an allergic to Math would be one of the 22 Data Science Scholars of Batch 4 of For The Women Foundation and probably the oldest.

A Message of Hope and Empowerment

To all aspiring data scientists, especially those who are considering a career shift, let my story be a testament to the power of perseverance and belief in oneself. Your unique journey and experiences, no matter how diverse, can bring a fresh perspective to the field of data science. It's about embracing your journey, wherever it may lead you. Remember: it's never too late to rewrite your story.

Your Data Science Journey Awaits

Airees' unexpected leap into data science, overcoming her "allergy" to math, stands as a powerful testament to resilience and self-belief. Her journey, at 46, challenges stereotypes and reinforces the inclusive spirit of For The Women Foundation (FTW). Join us at FTW, where diverse stories converge, and barriers are transformed into stepping stones. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for updates on our next scholarship program.


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